Monday, March 8, 2010

The latest lightbulb

So having done a whole lot of readings about media, democracy and development and trying to find myself in an intellectual space at the same time as a practical one, i have found a lot of inspiration for my Participatory Project (PP). My idea is still looking towards Public Service Announcements (PSA's) regarding Hospice and what they do. hearing directly from caretakers such as Serelda, Trish, others i have and will encounter, and patients who talk of their experience.

Somewhere between Giles Mohan's critiques of Participatory Development and Tanni Haas's Alternative media ideas, there is a real space for me to aim for. It reminds me of the realism I am dealing with but also doesnt't restrict my hopes for top-quality and far-reaching work.

The aim is to get people to hear about Hospice through the directness of the PSA's and they should be challenged to think about their own stance on this fine example of truly humble alternative media. Hospice is an example to us all of how an organisation can perform what they are out there to do without being noticed and threatened by the notions of democracy and development. They ARE developing people's lives, and they ARE helping people in terms of democratic rights. People don't know much about Hospice and this project is really a chance for me to make an impact, even if for a few weeks of playback, on the alternative, civic, and hopefully commercial scene of radio.

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