Tuesday, April 20, 2010


After a shortish Easter Holiday I am back in Grahamstown and into the swing of things. At the moment the pressure is on to get the documentary done, but interviewing Trish Gillies from Hospice a few days ago, I couldn't help but be drawn to some of the things she was saying. A lot of content that I have works well for Public Service Announcement. Since the last post, I can tell you that I have presented well to a panel about this project and feedback as well as criticism was helpful.

The plan to produce 30 second spots for radio is in place and now its just down to more fieldwork and then production. I am hoping to get a few out in the next few weeks, then they will be sent to the likes of HPCA (Hospice Palliative Care Association), which is a national representation for Hospice, and SAFM. Other radio stations will hopefully jump on board.

For the Soundslide..what I am hoping to do is a continuation on the documentary, but a much shorter version. What would be most productive would be to create an audio project that can be coupled with photos from different photos, but will still work. Talking to Trish recently was helpful and emotional. It reminded me of exactly what I am doing. Things are going well

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