Monday, April 26, 2010


So weeks are flying by towards the end of the term...I am nearly done with the final version of the Project Proposal document, which I will then send out to Jenny Handley, who owns a public relations compnay, and does a lot of work with Hospice Palliative Care Association (HPCA), and Nikiwe Dube, who is the HPCA Advocacy manager.

I am going to be targeting 3 themes that will direct the public service announcements (PSA's)...

The first deals with staff who work within Grahamstown Hospice, their experiences, what they do, and the emotional side of their work. Under the second theme we will be hearing from patients themselves from the Grahamstown community. Their experiences of Hospice and the circumstances under which they live, whether it is poverty, with cancer, or with HIV, will be captured, hopefully giving some comfort to people around the country, but also enlightening them as to what Hospice does and how they care. The third theme will cover some of the stigma's that are associated with Hospice, particular to Grahamstown, but also relevant Hospice nationwide.

Within the next few weeks I will be posting my final documentary about Hospice Grahamstown on the 'Documentary' link, which you can access from the top of this site. These PSA's will play on as many stations as I can get involved on and around International Hospice and Palliative Care Day on 9 October. Keep following :)

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